Friday, November 11, 2011

Hajime Nishi Profile

Hajime Nishi, an author founder of Ecoamrathon International was born in Kyoto, an environmental capital of the world, in 1949. His first trip to abroad was Soviet Union and 15 European countries in the summer of 1970.
It had opened his eyes to the world and people.

In 1988 he lost his wife by cancer and he'd experienced the serious crises of his life. Since 1990, he'd been attending as a seminarian to take various workshops about personal growth in Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and running marathons around the globe. Through these unique combination of both spiritual and physical experiences, he'd created a new philosophy called Ecomarathon and had started to pass his message to the people around the globe through his marathon participation since 1995.

He became the first person who ran seven marathons on each of seven continent in seven months in 1997 and the Guiness Book Publishing, UK had certified his accomplishment and created a new world record, "The fastest time to run marathons on each of seven continents" or simply,"The Triple Seven"

In 2000, he became the first non-North American resident who'd completed marathons in all 50 USA States plus DC and 50 countries.*1 Guiness Record
He was a president and CEO of Nishi Film. Inc., an interectual property firm specialized in fitness video licensing for 14 years and a single father who raise three children to be independed before he became an Ecomarathoner, a missionary for the environment, humanity and world peace for future generation.

In 2003, he'd published the first edition of "Ecoamrathon Data Book" to introduce 255 marathons in 54 countries on seven continents.In 2004, this first book about Slow Running Philosophy, "Losing is Winning" was published in Japanese.

His middle term goal in marathon is to run 1,000 marathons in 250 countries by the year 2049.And his life time goal is to realize "One People, One Planet", a healthy peaceful planet for all species and their future generation by year 2101.

Hajime Nishi of Japan, a founder of Ecomarathon Int'l,who completed 42.195Km marathons on 7 continents in 168 days had been certified as the world record holder of "THE FASTEST TIME TO RUN A MARATHON ON EACH OF THE 7 CONTINENTS" by Guinness Publishing Ltd.,UK on 11 Jan.,1999
7 Continents Details certified by Guiness Publishing
17 Feb.,1997 ANTARCTICA MARATHON, Antartica
23 Mar.,1997 CATALINA ISLAND MARATHON, North America
01 Jun.,1997 SAO PAULO MARATHON, South America
05 Jul.,1997 MIDNIGHT SUN MARATHON, Europe
03 Aug.,1997 MT.MERU INT'L MARATHON, Africa

Friday, February 11, 2011

人、企業】 06/22
マラソンの環境格付けを提唱した~~エコマラソナー 西 一 さん
エコマラソナー 西 一 さん







(芸能・イベントに関連記事) (聞き手・構成 渡部博之記者)










Thursday, July 8, 2010

Japanese man comes to Bozeman with unique take on running and the world

Ask Nishi Hajime what his best time in a marathon is, and he'll quote an inordinate, 10 hour-plus time clocked in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. His worst time, he says, was a three-hour course time in Southern California.

Not that Nishi, a 61-year-old man from Japan, uses time to measure his performance. He's more likely to tell you how many pictures he took while running a course. During his most recent run, he took 150 snapshots, a low number.
Nishi has run marathons on all seven continents - yes, Virginia, there are marathons on Antarctica - and all 50 states.
He's run marathons in "only" 72 countries, which he says leaves him with 278 nations to run in. And he has run two marathons in Montana, with an upcoming third this Sunday at the Lewis and Clark Marathon in Bozeman.

Marathons, Nishi said, help him understand other cultures and places, and going slow helps him spread his philosophy, which is, basically, anti-competitive. "You don't need to be a winner all the time. The best is to be the last runner," he said Friday in an interview. "Losing is winning. Everyone can't be first, but everyone can be themselves, and that is what's beautiful." His approach draws attention. He said Germans, whose have a zeal for competition, were perplexed. "They couldn't understand why this guy looked so happy being the last runner to cross the finish line," Nishi said.

His approach also extends well beyond changing how people run races. He has a vision of a world drawn closer through running. Here's how he sees it working: First, he hopes more runners leave their countries to run elsewhere, so they can learn about other cultures. For example, before traveling to Lahore, Pakistan, to run a marathon there, all he had heard about the Muslim country was that it was the home of al Qaeda and the Taliban. But the thousands of people who lined the streets to cheer runners on changed his perception.

"Wherever I go, they love to see runners. People from all around the world love to see runners. If we open our minds about them, we can understand them," he said. Second, he hopes that as more people learn about other countries, they can begin coming together, he said. East Asian countries could form a union akin to the European Union, for example. By 2074, that union and the EU could form a trans-Eurasian group and eventually be merged with other continental unions. Nishi's travels require significant financial means, and he said he made his as the CEO of a film licensing company in Japan.

For years, he said, he focused on accumulating wealth and power. But at age 38, he lost his wife and decided to change focus."I had a mission to not just make money, not just be powerful, but be meaningful," he said.
If his vision of the future seems fanciful, he points to some of the popular movies he helped release in Japan, like "2010," a sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey," in which Americans and Russians make a joint mission to Jupiter.
"I was very impressed by the movie, ‘2010,' he said. "2010, that's this year."

Daniel Person can be reached at

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hajime Nishi, Globe-trotting Ecomarathoner

Hosteller Spotlight: Hajime Nishi, Globe-trotting Ecomarathoner

What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Hajime Nishi and I'm from Tokyo, Japan.

What are you doing in Chicago?
I'm in the United States running marathons. I ran one in Colorado last week, and I am doing two in Illinois week. The Rockford Marathon and the The Des Plaines River Canoe and Kayak Marathon.

Oh wow! So you run a lot of marathons? Yes, I have run 568 marathons in 72 different countries.
How did you get so into running marathons?In 1990 I started to experience a lot of personal and spiritual growth thanks to a series of workshops at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, and I began to run many marathons. By 1997 I was the first person who ran seven marathons on each of seven continents in seven months. I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records!

You're famous! What do you in Tokyo when you're not busy traveling the world running marathons?
Actually, I am the founder of an organization called Ecomarathon International. It's based on the philosophy of the ecomarathon. The idea is to lower the bar of the marathon - to make it more inclusive to society - and to increase the winnings of the environment. Before, I thought, "Winner takes all. It's very important to win." And now, I realize this is wrong. Everyone has value, not just the winner. Marathons should respect it's participants, the environment and local culture, and that is what I am trying to do.

When did you think of this idea?
Well, 1990 was a big turning point in my life. I realized that I did not want to run for competitive reasons, but to feel a connection with the environment. I was attending a personal growth workshop in California. I was also running in the Navajo Tribal Park Marathon, which is a very scenic and sacred race. I realized what a truly sacred place it was, and as I was running, I started to pick up trash as I went along. I wasn't racing to make a certain time and I realized I wanted to give back to the environment as I was running. That's where it started. Before competitive marathons spread like a disease, I want to spread the idea of ecomarathons so that we can live in peace and harmony with each other and the environment.

Have you organized an ecomarathon?
The first official Ecomarathon will be held on April 3, 2011 in Inba Nihon Idai & Lake Inba near the Tokyo International Airport.

What are the rules of an ecomarathon?
If you drop any garbage and don't pick it up - even if it's by accident - you are automatically disqualified. You are also disqualified if you arrive in a vehicle, unless it's electric. Otherwise you must come by foot, on bicycle, or by public transportation. You can only use reusable water containers, and the food served will be from the ground of local farmers. People will race with bags so they can pick up trash along the way. The race is not timed, and there will be three different start times so that the walkers can start early. People can take up to 9 hours to complete the race!

So there will be no winners?
No, we don't need winners. We need an eco-hero!

Eco-hero? Sounds like a superhero!
Yes! People will be encouraged to dress up in costumes too. And instead of getting a number, they will put a nickname on their shirt.

This is definitely a unique concept!
How will you explain this to people who are doubtful?
A marathon, and any sporting event, should be a reason to unite humanity. Sports are a great tool to promote peace, human rights, and the environment. A marathon can be very fulfilling to the runner if they are connected with the environment and humanity while they participate. I hope this concept will expand to many people and places.

Back to you - where are some of the unique places you've run marathons?
Dubai and Pakistan. The whole country knew about me when I came to Pakistan to run the marathon. They thought, who is this crazy Japanese guy running a marathon in Pakistan?!

Where was your favorite marathon?
I give ratings to each marathon based on the level of environmentally friendliness. The best one I ran, which was AAA rated, was in 1995 in Morea, Tahiti. In 2002, the Himalayan 100 Mile Stage Race was a AAA-. I picked up 25 kg of garbage during the 3 days. This marathon was very scenic and beautiful, and was also good for the local community. It brought a lot of cultural exchange and business.

What marathon has the worst rating?
Well, it's difficult to say. But some of the most famous marathons, in terms of the environmental effect, are very bad. The organizers care about the size and don't care about the bad effects on the environment. So where can people find out more information about you and your mission?They can go to And they can come to Japan in April 2011 to run in the very first Ecomarathon!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

西 一のプロフィール

コスプレごみ拾いで、ZERO EMISSIONを印旛沼から世界へ!
をテーマとするエコインバ 主催:NPO法人エコマラソン・インターナショナル理事長

西 一のプロフィール

エコインバ は、印西市に居を構えるNPO法人エコマラソン・インターナショナル理事長であり、世界初のスポーツイベントの環境格付け(エコマラソン国際環境評価)考案者、国際スポーツイベントガイドブック、Ecomarathon Data Book著者、ギネスの7大陸マラソン最速走破世界記録創造者であるにもかかわらず、「世界で最ものんびり走れるランナー」として、1990年から2049年の60年間で250ヶ国の千マラソン参加を通し、世界の人々に環境への気付きを高め、全ての人が平等な機会の下、環境的に調和して暮らせる恒久平和社会、One People, One Planetの22世紀迄の実現をめざすことを生涯の使命として取組んでいる事実が独版Wikipediaに紹介されている西 一(が1990年から19年間で楽しんで来た7大陸72ヶ国の566マラソン参加体験(2009年12月現在)を基に考案されました。

1949 京都市に生まれる。                       
1971 桑沢デザイン研究所ビジュアルデザイン課を卒業し、西武百貨店池袋店のデザイナーとして就職。
1972 英語学習の為、サンフランシスコに渡航。英語習得後、北中南米、欧州、アフリカ、アジアを旅行。
1974 帰国後、ブラジルへの技術移住をめざし京都建築専門学校に入学し、建築士試験に合格。
1976 JICA最後の海外技術移住者として妻と共にブラジル移住し、リオとサンパウロで建築業開業。
1981 ブラジルでの建築業を売却後、帰国し、京都で輸入ビデオソフト通信販売業開業。
1983 輸入ビデオソフト通信販売業者として最大の輸入(通関実績による)・販売額を達成。
1987 妻をがんで亡くした後、輸入ビデオソフト通信販売業と並行し、(株)ニシフィルムズ開業。
1988 米国フィットネススターのビデオ独占頒布権を取得後、プロモーターとして招聘し、各イベントを成功に導く。
1990 米国カリフォルニア州のエサレン研究所で自己成長のワークショップ初受講後、ホノルルで初マラソン完走。
1995 北米モニュメントバレー80Kmレースでのゴミ拾いを通し、ZERO EMISSIONのエコマラソンを提唱開始。
1997 7大陸マラソン最速走破世界記録達成。筋トレ+パワーウォーキングを解説する「超シャイプアップ」が刊行。
2000 米国50州+DCと50ヶ国のマラソン走破を達成。
2001 地球上全ての生命体が自然と調和して暮らせる恒久平和社会、One People, One Planet
2003 55国255種類マラソンをエコマラソン国際環境評価で格付けしたEcomarathon Data Bookを刊行。
2005 スピードよりも環境を優先するエコマラソンの大切さを説く「エコマラソン」が刊行。
2006 日本を除く14ヶ国での72マラソンを楽しみ、年間最高国際マラソン走破世界記録達成。
2008 千葉県印旛村に移住後、印旛沼水質浄化をめざすZERO EMISSIONエコインバ 構想誕生。
© 2010-2011 Ecomarathon International, a Non-Profit Organization


日本経済新聞 2009年11月26日夕刊15面「うたた寝」


2011年春開催を予定しているのが「エコマラソン印旛(エコインバ)」だ。場所は里山など豊かな自然が残る印旛沼。運営方法はその多くが既成の大会を反面教師にしている。26ヶ所に設けられる給水所では紙コップを全廃。ランナーは持参したマイカップ、マイ水筒で給水タンクから取水する。コース内でゴミを落とし、指摘されても拾わなかった場合は失格。会場への交通は公共交通機関や自転車を義務づけ、車での来場は禁止だ。達成感を味わってもらうため、制限時間は破格の9時間。最大の特徴はタイム計測をしないことだ。終了後、表彰されるのはゴミ拾いに奮闘したり、道中ほほえましい写真を撮った人たち。ランナー同士の交流も重視しており、1000人の定員のうち半数は外国人と想定、海外への発信も続けている。     (編集委員 芦田富雄)